
FutureCamp has been a trusted advisor on all aspects of climate protection since 2001.

We are the market leader in EU emissions trading consultancy services. Since the inception of European emissions trading, we have developed over 2,000 allocation applications, monitoring concepts, monitoring plans, and emissions reports for our clients across the energy, industry, and aviation sectors. Our diverse client base includes industrial companies and energy suppliers, SMEs and large corporations, insurance companies and banks, governments and administrative bodies, as well as local authorities and NGOs. We offer comprehensive support for all operational and strategic tasks related to emissions trading, allowing you to focus on your core business. Our expertise enables you to navigate the complexities of emissions trading efficiently and effectively, ensuring compliance while optimising your approach to climate-related regulations.

EU Emissions Trading & Electricity Price Compensation

FutureCamp provides comprehensive operational and strategic support for your participation in EU emissions trading.

emissionshandel The European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the primary climate policy instrument in Europe. In Germany alone, where participation is mandatory, it impacts operators of around 1,900 plants. The 4th trading period (2021-2030) introduced significant changes, including stricter allocation rules and expanded reporting obligations. The EU's ambitious targets and the "Fit for 55" package continue to drive this evolution, with numerous important regulatory requirements either emerging or already in effect.

FutureCamp helps you navigate this changing landscape, interpreting new frameworks and developing appropriate strategies. As one of the most experienced and competent partners in this field, we offer a comprehensive range of services to support facility operators:

  • Optimal EU Emission Allowances (EUA) allocation strategies, including application submission via the Form Management System (FMS)
  • Carbon Management: From defining and implementing sustainable monitoring and emissions management systems to realising emissions reductions
  • Emissions reporting and allocation data reports
  • Development and adaptation of monitoring plans
  • Registry account management: available as a complete package or as a backup solution
  • Workshops on price trends and trading strategies
  • Execution of trading transactions for existing clients
  • Electronic communication with regulatory authorities (e.g. DEHSt's Virtual Post Office)
  • Analysis of EU ETS impact on investments and products
  • Demand and cost forecasting

    Our expertise ensures you can focus on your core business while effectively managing your emissions trading obligations and opportunities.

Electricity Price Compensation (EPC)

  • Developing the application strategy
  • Preparing the data for entry in the required software (Form Management System FMS) of the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt)
  • Sending via the virtual post office (VPS)

“Beyond operational support, we provide substantial added value to our clients through comprehensive quality assurance, rigorous alignment of application data with all relevant allocation rules, examination of special regulations, continuous monitoring of legislative developments and administrative changes in application procedures and expert guidance as your dedicated point of contact for emissions trading-specific queries.”

Stefan Weigert has been with FutureCamp since 2019 and serves as Head of Emissions Trading Systems. In this role, he oversees all consulting services in national and European emissions trading, supporting clients with issues ranging from operational implementation to strategic evaluation. Stefan also brings expertise in developing climate neutrality concepts and preparing complex climate assessments at both organisational and product levels.

FutureCamp is the preferred partner for numerous industrial companies, particularly in energy-intensive sectors. Our expertise is sought after by chemical industry leaders, steel and building materials manufacturers and industrial energy supply facilities across all sectors. As the market leader in this domain, we provide specialised support tailored to the unique challenges faced by energy-intensive industries.

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National Fuel Emissions Trading

Drawing on over 20 years of expertise in EU emissions trading consultancy, we offer comprehensive support for your participation in the national emissions trading system.

BEHG The German government's Climate Protection Act mandates CO2 emission reductions across all sectors. While power generation and industrial operations are subject to European emissions trading, the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG) governs measures for transport, SMEs, services, and buildings in Germany. The core component is emissions trading for combustibles and fuels, launched on January 1, 2021. This aims to ensure Germany reduces its greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. In the introductory phase, a fixed CO2 price of € 25 per tonne applies in 2021, rising to € 55 in 2025. This measure affects not only newly covered "fuel distributors" but also raises specific delimitation and implementation issues for plant operators already regulated by EU emissions trading. Ultimately, all companies that use combustibles and fuels are indirectly affected. Looking ahead, Germany's national emissions trading system will transition into the second European Trading System (EHS2) for transport, buildings, and emissions from commerce, trade, and industry not covered by the current ETS, starting in 2027.

FutureCamp supports all players in the CO2 market, both existing and new, to navigate current challenges and opportunities, avoid double burdens for their companies, and leverage support programs and individual measures from the Climate Protection Act. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Preparing monitoring plans and emission reports
  • Submitting emission reports and managing electronic communication with DEHSt
  • Supporting application processes:
    • to prevent Carbon Leakage (BEHG-Carbon-Leakage-Verordnung – BECV)
    • Double burden compensation
  • Providing demand and cost forecasts
  • Registry account management: offered as a complete package or as a backup solution for hedging purposes
  • Executing trading transactions in the national Emissions Trading System (nEHS) (see also Execution of trades in the nEHS)
  • Assisting with emissions report verification by certified companies

FutureCamp is an authorised intermediary at the European Energy Exchange (EEX). In this capacity, we can procure national Emissions Trading System (nEHS) certificates for our clients through the EEX sales platform. For detailed information on the framework conditions and purchase orders, please refer to our Market Activities & Registry Services section (currently available in German only).

"The introduction of fuel emissions trading has added a crucial component to Germany's climate policy, deservedly attracting significant attention. In our consulting practice, we emphasise the importance of looking beyond the risks, costs, and administrative burdens associated with CO2 pricing. We focus equally on the opportunities it presents for new products and improved processes. This approach requires a holistic perspective, incorporating other elements of the German climate protection program, such as subsidy mechanisms. By considering the full landscape, we help companies navigate challenges while capitalising on emerging opportunities in the evolving low-carbon economy."

Thomas Mühlpointner, Managing Director of FutureCamp Climate, is a specialist in national and EU emissions trading. Since joining FutureCamp in 2003, he has been advising plant operators on European emissions trading. His consulting focus extends to companies directly or indirectly affected by national emissions trading. Thomas regularly designs and leads specialist seminars and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich.

FutureCamp serves as the go-to partner for numerous companies in the energy sector and industry regarding national emissions trading. Our clientele include gas suppliers, municipal utilities and energy-intensive industrial companies. Our expertise in national emissions trading complements our long-standing experience in EU emissions trading, allowing us to provide comprehensive support across the full spectrum of emissions trading systems.

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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Drawing on our extensive experience in national and international emissions trading and CO2 pricing systems, we offer expert support to help you navigate the challenges presented by the new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).

The European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) came into effect on October 1, 2023. This mechanism gradually extends the CO2 pricing from the EU Emissions Trading System to imports. Companies operating in the aluminum, fertilizer, ammonia, iron, steel, electricity, cement, and hydrogen sectors face new challenges and obligations under CBAM. However, this transition also presents potential opportunities for innovation and sustainable growth.

FutureCamp, in collaboration with our colleagues at The Climate Desk, will help you navigate this new regulatory landscape and understand the new instrument, analysing opportunities and risks to meet the new requirements.

We offer the following services for importers and exporters of CBAM goods and plant operators outside the EU or EFTA:

  • Understanding CBAM and its consequences for your business (strategy and compliance, markets, supply chains)
  • Regular updates of current developments
  • Evolving analysis of obligations and opportunities for your business
  • Analysis of CBAM impact on competitiveness
  • Optimisation of internal processes for CBAM implementation (communications, data generation and processing)
  • Supply chain optimisation for CBAM implementation
  • Insight on changes in free allocation
  • Data collection and quarterly reporting on emissions in 2023-2025
  • Non-EU supplier interactions to collect actual emissions data
  • Monitoring and calculation of emissions embedded in products (product carbon footprints, PCFs)
  • CBAM declaration and surrender of certificates from 2026 onwards
  • Registration as CBAM declarant or operator with EU Commission

“The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a complex new instrument in European climate protection policy with far-reaching implications. It introduces new reporting obligations, impacts the prices of imported goods, and places additional burdens on exports. The CBAM also creates new requirements for disclosing supply chain emissions. Combined with the phasing out of free allowances, it marks a significant shift in the system.”

Christian-PacherDr Christian Pacher is Managing Director of FutureCamp Climate. He has been with FutureCamp since 2009, specialising in strategic and operational implementation of national and EU emissions trading, as well as comprehensive climate strategy projects for clients. He excels in capacity building for international emissions trading schemes. He regularly organises specialist seminars on climate strategy, emissions trading, and energy management, and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences.

You can find more information on this topic in our detailed article "CBAM: The European Border Adjustment Mechanism" (currently available in German only).

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, GIZ, Asian Development Bank or World Bank (PMR):
We have assisted in the introduction of Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) systems, emissions trading, and CO2 pricing mechanisms in numerous countries, including Chile, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, and the People's Republic of China.

Download:  Flyer CBAM

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Trading Strategies

With a well-crafted trading strategy, you can ensure that the procurement of emission allowances aligns seamlessly with your company's core objectives.

FutureCamp-Handelsstrategien EU emissions trading and national fuel emissions trading present new tasks and challenges for many economic sectors. Monitoring and analyzing climate and energy policy developments, as well as the CO2 market and its price-influencing factors, are of strategic and operational importance. These factors have significant implications for CO2 management and procurement strategies.

Effectively managing a company's CO2 position and implementing a suitable procurement strategy are crucial for maintaining competitiveness, capitalising on opportunities, and hedging against future risks. This affects plant operators, companies that distribute fuels, project sponsors, financial institutions, and exchanges.

To address these challenges, we support you in EU emissions trading services and national certificate trading by developing a targeted trading strategy for your company. Our services include:

  • Workshops to develop trading strategies for the 4th trading period
  • Regular market information and customised newsletters
  • Market monitoring and analysis, with insights on implications for procurement strategy
  • Determination of company-specific CO2 positions (including scenario analyses when necessary)
  • Development and management of tools for CO2 position management

Our comprehensive approach ensures that your company is well-equipped to navigate the complexities of emissions trading markets and optimise your carbon management strategies.

"Our primary goal is to provide our clients with the best possible independent advice. We recognise that each company has unique procurement needs based on their specific costs, customer base, and demand structures. This leads to varying requirements in terms of price thresholds, installments, and market access. If our analysis determines that procuring the required quantities through us is the best option for a client, we're more than happy to facilitate this. However, we're equally committed to transparency and will openly advise if we believe procurement through the house bank or directly via a stock exchange would be more suitable. In such cases, we're glad to help establish the necessary connections. The same principle applies to registry account management. Some customers prefer to fully outsource this task, while others simply want a safety net for emergencies. We take pride in working closely with our customers to identify and analyse these specific needs in each case.”

Dominik Glock is Head of Trading and Climate Protection Projects at FutureCamp and leads our CO2 market activities, registry services, and the development of climate protection projects. He also advises on offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. Since joining the company in 2006, Dominik has supported numerous clients in procuring and selling emissions certificates across EU emissions trading, national emissions trading, and the voluntary CO2 market. He assists companies and organisations in developing and implementing trading strategies and selects suitable climate protection projects to offset unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions.

Highlight project:
German Environment Agency
On behalf of the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), we are preparing comprehensive studies focused on two critical areas: "Analysing and Evaluating the Market Structure, Trading Activities, and Other Developments in the European Carbon Market" and "Implications of Market Regulation in the Carbon Market" (currently available in German only).

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CO2 Trading Activities

To secure your market access in both compliance and voluntary markets, we are at your service as a trustworthy and competent trading partner in the CO2 market.

FutureCamp-Handelsaktivitaeten We execute trading transactions for our customers within the European emissions trading system and are registered as an intermediary on the EEX for national emissions trading. Additionally, we are pleased to offer emissions certificates for the voluntary market.

Our Forms for Processing Trading Transactions in the National Emissions Trading System (nEHS): (currently available in German only)

You can find the trading dates provided by FutureCamp here. (currently available in German only)

Our Forms for Processing Trading Transactions in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): (currently available in German only)

The forms can be completed interactively on a PC using an appropriate PDF reader (Acrobat, Foxit, ... or MS Edge). Please always use the latest version for new orders, which you can find here.

"I believe the key advantage of sourcing through FutureCamp lies in the independent advice offered by our interdisciplinary trading team. The fluctuating CO2 prices in the compliance markets necessitate proactive measures from companies. Ensuring market access, along with the seamless and swift processing of buy and sell orders, creates opportunities for competitive advantage."

Dominik Holzner is a Senior Consultant at FutureCamp Climate. He is responsible for assisting our clients with the procurement and sale of emissions certificates in both national and European emissions trading systems, as well as in the voluntary market. Additionally, he supports our clients with registry account services and advises plant operators on national and European emissions trading. Dominik also organises workshops for affected stakeholders, both on-site and online, and serves as a speaker at our FutureCamp Academie.

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CO2 Registry

We manage your registry accounts in accordance with the dual control principle, ensuring that you fulfill all obligations within the framework of European and national emissions trading.

Every installation operator in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and every distributor in national emissions trading is required to maintain a CO2 registry account. Additionally, it may be beneficial to manage further registry accounts for activities in the voluntary market. We support you in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and national certificate trading with the following tasks:

  • Opening and managing your registry account in the Union registry and the national registry.
  • Opening and managing accounts in voluntary market registries, such as Gold Standard and VCS.

For more information on our activities in the area of voluntary climate protection contributions, please click here.

Valentin SteinbergerValentin Steinberger is a Consultant at FutureCamp Climate, specialising in emissions trading systems and trading. He assists our clients with registry account services in both mandatory and voluntary CO2 markets and advises operators in national and European emissions trading on emissions and allocation data reports, monitoring plans, and compensation applications. Additionally, Valentin provides guidance and support in the procurement and sale of emissions certificates in national and European emissions trading, as well as in the voluntary market.

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International, European & National Climate Protection Projects & Mitigation Contributions

FutureCamp provides expert guidance in identifying suitable instruments for ambitious climate protection projects and in their implementation.

NH_CSR-Nachhaltigkeit-Sustainability-Erde The Paris Agreement (PA) reaffirms and expands CO2 market mechanisms in the voluntary market to increase the ambition of national climate protection contributions as a useful support instrument.

The rulebook has changed now following the replacement of the former Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) by a new mechanism in article 6 PA to avoid greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development: the Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM).

A new framework for cooperative approaches has also been created with the so-called Corresponding Adjustments: Corresponding Adjustments enable the transfer of emission reductions between PA parties while safeguarding against double-counting in national inventories. This framework enhances the integrity of international climate action.

The scope for climate protection activities has broadened, though it has also created a more nuanced regulatory environment shaped by participating countries. While traditional tradable certificates remain, new alternatives such as financial contribution claims have emerged. However, we maintain that the critical factor is the tangible climate protection impact of each project.

Drawing on our rich experience with over 100 climate protection projects under different standards (JI, CDM, VER), FutureCamp is ideally positioned to navigate these new mechanisms. We offer comprehensive support for your initiatives, from initial concept evaluation to certificate marketing, on both national and global scales. Our expertise extends to developing bespoke methodologies when standard approaches don't suffice, ensuring your project maximizes its potential within the evolving market landscape.

Sebastian-LenzDr Sebastian Lenz is as a senior consultant for FutureCamp, responsible for the development of climate protection projects in the areas of agriculture, land use and land use change. He is the contact person for Carbon Dioxide Removal projects (CDR projects) in Germany and the EU's Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming Certification Regulation (CRCF Regulation). Mr Lenz lectures on climate project development in the context of ISO 14064-2. Previously, he supported major clients for five years with their reporting obligations in European emissions trading and conducted training courses on this topic.

Overview of Our Experience with Project-Based Mechanisms – Services for Project Owners


Project highlight:
Alliance for Development and Climate
FutureCamp, in collaboration with Perspectives Climate Group, conducted two pivotal studies for the Alliance for Development and Climate: "Current Status of the Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Offset Market in Germany" and "Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and the Voluntary Market for Greenhouse Gas Offsets." These comprehensive studies offer valuable insights into the voluntary offset market and the implications of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. You can find these studies in our Publications section (currently available in German only).

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Voluntary Contributions

Few companies can match our extensive experience and understanding of the voluntary carbon market from its very beginnings.

NH_Blatt-mit-Herzen We understand the needs of companies, public authorities, and individuals engaged in climate protection and have extensive experience in developing climate protection projects. Our goal is to generate emission reductions and promote sustainable development in project regions, aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Having developed over 100 climate protection projects (VER, JI, and CDM), we know what matters. This expertise qualifies us to procure and market high-quality climate protection certificates.

Are you an industrial company, energy supplier, financial institution, or public institution seeking the right climate protection project as part of your climate strategy? We offer the following services:

  • Procurement of regional or international certificates or verified target contributions from high-quality climate protection projects to achieve GHG neutrality or net-zero goals.
  • Solutions for the communicative use of national and regional climate protection projects as contributions to achieving German climate goals.
  • Evaluation of contract structures for the procurement of emission reduction certificates or participation in climate protection projects. Portfolio management, including registry account management, transaction processing, and decommissioning.
  • Evaluation of project ideas and development of climate protection projects

Linda-LeichtLinda Leicht is a consultant at FutureCamp Climate specialising in the CO2 market and emissions trading. She advises clients on selecting climate protection projects and procuring and retiring certificates to offset currently unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, she supports the purchase and sale of emissions certificates in national and European emissions trading markets. Linda also assists companies with emissions and allocation data reports, monitoring plans, and compensation applications. Furthermore, she manages registry account services within her responsibilities.

Project Highlight:
Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection
In collaboration with the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, we drew up the GHG start-up balance and identified reduction potentials. Additionally, we supported the financial compensation of currently unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions for the 2018-2020 balance sheet years by identifying suitable climate protection projects and procuring and retiring the CO2 certificates in the corresponding registries.

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Policy Advisory Services

FutureCamp is your ideal partner for providing targeted support for your CO2 market activities, both nationally and internationally.

KSP_Politische-Beratung Since 2001, FutureCamp has been a trusted partner for companies and governments, offering strategic and operational support in carbon markets and climate strategies. We are well-equipped to assist clients at various levels with their carbon activities.

We have in-depth knowledge in all aspects of compliance and voluntary carbon markets, having participated in carbon trading mechanisms since the early days of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation (JI), and the European Trading Systems. Our industry expertise extends to helping countries prepare for carbon pricing systems and developing climate protection projects that meet independent standards. We are also well-versed in UNFCCC processes.

FutureCamp provides capacity building and knowledge delivery services on both European and international fronts, as well as bespoke strategic and policy guidance to governments on carbon market activities. We assist national governments with toolkits for identifying eligible projects that align with Article 6 requirements.

Furthermore, we collaborate with institutional representatives to develop projects whose implementation within the voluntary market can meet other domestic development needs according to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our rich experience enables us to effectively support developing countries with carbon market readiness and institutional process management.

Our Carbon Market and Project MechanismsTeam offers the following services:

  • Corporate and country-level carbon strategy support
  • Capacity building for the development of climate protection projects
  • Carbon market roadmaps and frameworks
  • Guidelines for domestic and international carbon market policies

We offer tailored capacity building on the implementation and country-level actions for Article 6 and other climate policies:

  • Capacity building for national authorities and responsible institutions on developing climate protection projects.
  • Strengthening capacities of public and private actors for voluntary carbon market activities and supporting the implementation of methodological requirements.
  • Article 6 market mechanisms: Building host countries' capacities on Article 6 readiness activities, including reporting, stakeholder mapping, and implementation of legal and methodological requirements.

Working with Development Partners

  • Providing strategic advising to national authorities on engaging with development partners.
  • Offering implementation support for climate protection projects and green initiatives.

Nsikan-George-EmanaDr Nsikan-George Emana works for FutureCamp as a senior consultant in the areas of voluntary GHG markets and climate protection projects. Mrs Emana develops strategies for new and existing clients to implement climate protection projects under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement or voluntary contributions to climate protection. Dr Emana is very familiar with the regulations and activities under Article 6 of the PA and supports potential host countries and the private sector in English-speaking West African countries with technical advice, framework implementation, institutional, infrastructural and strategic policy activities in the context of carbon pricing.

FutureCamp supports Niger State (Nigeria) in the preparation and implementation of CO2 market mechanisms
Niger State is preparing to participate in the international carbon market and is emerging as a new supplier of high-quality CO2 certificates and climate protection contributions. The government of Niger State has commissioned FutureCamp to provide comprehensive strategic and technical support for the creation of the regulatory and institutional framework required for the implementation of a CO2 market. The official signing of the bilateral contract between the government of Niger State and FutureCamp took place during the COP29. Further information on the planned project can be found in our news blog (available in German only).

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Corporate & Product Carbon Footprints

FutureCamp supports companies and public institutions in their climate protection efforts by quantifying their environmental impact through comprehensive greenhouse gas inventories.

Carbon-Footprinting_FutureCamp-Climate Carbon footprints establish the crucial link between activities and their climate impact, serving as the starting point for all climate protection efforts - from individual measures to comprehensive strategies. These greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories are fundamental to developing transformation concepts for GHG neutrality.

FutureCamp is your ideal partner for GHG inventories. We specialise in creating GHG inventories for companies, institutions, products, and events. Our approach includes:

  • Transferring GHG balancing knowledge to your company
  • Collaboratively implementing data definition and collection processes
  • Tailoring our methods to your individual requirements
  • Utilising internationally recognised standards (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1)
  • Employing Excel solutions or customised software tools

Emerging political regulations increasingly require suppliers to provide product carbon footprints. For sustainability reporting purposes, we ensure compliance with recognised standards such as the GHG Protocol and ISO 14067.

Based on the GHG balance of your business activities, we provide comprehensive support to achieve your climate targets: We accompany your company on the path to greenhouse gas neutrality by identifying abatement measures and deriving reduction pathways with you, or by defining your net-zero strategy in line with the Science-based Targets initiative.

In addition, we help our customers in making a financial contribution to currently unavoidable GHG emissions by offering our own project portfolio for climate protection contributions, or identifying high-quality climate protection projects and procuring the emission certificates.

Since 2006, we've regularly calculated corporate carbon footprints for FutureCamp Holding GmbH and FutureCamp Climate GmbH. For details on our GHG balance sheet, avoidance and reduction measures, and climate protection contributions, please refer to our detailed article (currently available in German only).

”The carbon footprint is a crucial tool for companies to assess the climate impact of their business activities, forming a central component of a comprehensive climate protection strategy. By revealing the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, it identifies areas with the greatest potential for reduction. This gives the carbon footprint significant economic importance, as companies can substantially reduce costs through effective emission savings. Our role is to support you in calculating your greenhouse gas emissions, thereby laying the foundation for your climate protection commitment.”

Joe-BeegJoe Beeg is Head of Environmental Accounting Services at FutureCamp Climate. Since 2019, he has been advising public sector clients and industrial companies on key environmental accounting areas. His expertise spans greenhouse gas and life cycle assessment, greenhouse gas neutrality and net zero strategies.

Examples from our project work:
Bavarian State Office for the Environment - State Agency for Energy and Climate Protection (LENK):
We prepared the 2021 GHG starting balance for the Bavarian state ministries, which included developing reduction measures and pathways..
CABB Group
We conducted a multi-year, multi-site greenhouse gas accounting project for the CAAB Group. We calculated the corporate carbon footprint, covering company-related GHG emissions according to the GHG Protocol's corporate accounting method. This included all seven locations, encompassing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for 2019, 2020, and 2021. Additionally, we determined and documented product-related GHG emissions (product carbon footprints) for the CABB Group's chloralkali electrolysis process.

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